Dawson Creek
From Grande Cache this morning we traveled Hwy 40 to Grande Prairie and took Tom's rig to a welding fabrication shop to have his steps welded. There was some serious metal fatigue in the brackets holding the steps to the trailer. It was not cheap but they did do a great job.
Hwy 43 out of Grande Prairie took us to British Columbia where it became Hwy 2. Then it was Hwy 2 all the way to Dawson Creek. Before we got to Dawson Creek we tried a couple of places to stay for the nigh that did not work out. So we have the best around available to us, WalMart parking lot. There are probably 20 other rigs here also. I think they close about 10:00 PM and it will probably get quiet. Lots of rigs coming and going.
It is strange now to see the sun not starting to set until about 10:30 at night. We put foam inserts into the vents and the shower to cut the light down so we can sleep.
This morning we had to flip the inverter breaker off and use the solar to brew the coffee. The park we were in had very low power. So by flipping the inverter breaker off we could use solar/inverter power to supply the four trailer wall circuits and the rest of the circuits were powered by the coach AC power. The solar power was much better than the park power.