Monday, August 16, 2010
16 August 2010
13 Aug. 2010
We made it to Spokane, WA to the WalMart for the evening. Naturally it was rush hour on a Friday afternoon. We only made one wrong turn to reach WalMart. After finding a place to turn around was not all that hard to find. We had a great space along the grass.
14 Aug. 2010
Today we ended up at Garrison, MT at a small RV park, Riverfront RV Park. It was a small park with large sites and open spaces. $26 for a 5oAmp full hookup. Very nice small park.
15 Aug. 2010
Sunday morning was onto Billings, MT. Billings sits in a nice setting and appears to be very busy.
16 Aug. 2010
Along the way today we stopped for about 3 hours at the Little Bighorn Battle Field, NP. We took the bus tour for $5 to the battle field with a young Crow Indian. The tour was very informative. Several of Custer's uniforms were on display. I was very surprised how small a man he was. I have always wanted to stop at the battlefield and today was the day.
More Photos will follow.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
We pulled out of Hyder at about 10:45. A much later start than expected. We had to go and use the city public dump in Stewart since the campground did not have a dump. Most of the campgrounds we run across did not have sewer at the site and we had to use the dump. Some parks don't even have dumps. Going to Alaska is an experience you will never forget. That is really true.
Last evening Bob & Dona stopped by to say since they spotted our rig. They are a couple from AZ we ran into in Soldotna and have been playing tag with them along the way since them.
The day was one of those really long days. We made it all the way to Prince George, Canada. For what ever reason we just didn't seem to find a place we wanted to stay at for the night. So we ended up at the Wal Mart parking log with about 25 other rigs.
We were up early this morning and got out by about 8:00. There was road construction off and on all day. Not all that bad though. The drive took us to Merritt Canada this evening. The Claybanks RV Park is a very nice park with full hookups and WiFi. One can't ask for any better. The price is better than what we have been used to also.
Along the way most of the day we saw man sawmills and log home manufacturers. Wood products are a very big thing in this part of Canada.
Tomorrow we cross the border back into Washington.
My auto satellite dish actually locked onto the satellites tonight. But I have to call DTV tomorrow and get them to authorize my receiver again. Receivers go blank if they are left unplugged and not connected to the dish for several weeks.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Another cruise ship pulled into port overnight. For the past couple of days only one ship has been in port each day. The town of Skagway was busy but not like when there were three cruise ships in port the day we arrived.
We left Skagway at about 9:30 in the morning and made it to the Swift River pullout. This is the same pullout we stayed at on the way up to AK and washed our rigs using the river water. Six other rigs also spent the night at the pullout. Three rigs were from Europe.
We asked about the Cassiar Hwy 37 road closure due to fires. One of the campers had come through the area and said escort cars were used to guide traffic through and the time was 11:00AM for south bound traffic from the Hwy 37 Jct.
We got up by 7:00AM and were on the road not long after 8:00AM. It was a good thing we were out early. When we got to the Hwy 37 Jct. heading down the Cassiar there was a line of about 75 vehicles mostly RVs. We able to fuel up at the station on the corner and get back down the road to the end of the line. The road block was lifted at about 9:45, about 30 minutes after we arrived. The pilot car guided us for about 12 miles through the smoke and then we were on our own.
The Cassiar was in pretty good shape. We may have been on only about 10 miles of gravel off and on. It has been a far sight better than what we expected and the other roads we were on in Canada and AK. The Alaska Hwy through Canada and Alaska was much worse.
Tonight we are at a large gravel pullout at mile marker 330 K/M, 244 miles from south of the Alaska Hwy on the Cassiar Hwy. The pullout is on the west side of the hwy next to a creek just north of a brake check pullout. From this point south there were several good gravel pullouts to spend the night.
We arrived at Camp Run-A-Much in Hyder, AK at lunch time. Hyder is an interesting place to visit. Not much here. Fuel and groceries are to be had in the neighboring Canadian town of Stewart. The trip here is worth it. There are several glaciers and scenic mountains along the road leading here.
In the afternoon we took a trip three miles up the road to view the bear viewing area to watch them catch salmon. We saw only one bear and he was not all that active. We were told they were very busy catching fish in the morning.
Friday, August 6, 2010
6 August 2010
We arrived in Valdez at the Eagles Rest RV Park in the afternoon. It was a very crowded place but one of the few places in town to stay. The WiFi was very sketchy and very hard to get signed onto. The park people say there are to many users. I can certainly agree with that. We were not able to sign on but maybe only a couple of times to get our email and could not update the blog.
After we had our supper we went to Allison Point to check out fishing for pinks. There were thousands of pinks all over the place and several were catching them on the first cast out. Not many were worth keeping. The run is getting pretty much to the end.
The first thing on the agenda for the morning was to wash the rig and the truck at the site. Eagles Rest RV Park allows washing at the site. After lunch we headed to Allison Point to try and get some keepers. We caught about 50 fish and lost a few also. Most were not keepers. All the males already had large humps on their backs and their color was very pale.
We kept 3 fish we thought were still good and had one for supper. It wasn't bad eating.
We woke up to sunny skies and almost clear skies this morning and were able to see the mountains surrounding Valdez and the inlet. Valdez is in a beautiful setting and this is the first time we were able to see the mountains around the town in the two different visits we have been here. Once in 1997 and this trip in 2010.
We headed out in the morning heading toward Tok from Valdez. We took the Tok cutoff to reach Tok. The road is a 35mph road with a lot of gravel spots bumps and frost heaves. Probably about 60 miles worth on and off. Some sections were very smooth and nice especially leading into Tok.
We filled up at the Tesoro station again. We filled up here on the way to AK and the people are very friendly and helpful. And there free rig washing if you want to.
We then headed on out on Alaska Hwy 1to find a camp spot for the evening. We ended up at a paved pull out 22 miles East of Tok at mile marker 1292.4 from Dawson Creek on the south side of the hwy. No one there but us for the entire night. Not a bad spot to stop. Very large and easy in and out.
It was a long drive from 22 miles east of Tok at the pullout to another pull out at mile marker 936.8 from Dawson Creek. The Mendenhall Culvert was a large gravel pull out along the Alaska Hwy with a deserted building. There were several young people from Homer AK spending the night in the woods in tents. They were bicycling from Haines Jct to Skagway. We were able to fill their 2 5 gallon water containers from our fresh water tanks. The day was very warm and they had used up most of their drinking water cycling from Haines Jct to the pullout.
Earlier in the day we had encountered another group of riders cycling from Texas to Anchorage in support of the Lance Armstrong Cancer Foundation. They were happy to have only 8 days left to Anchorage.
The group of young people were out to wave us off this morning on our way from the Mendenhall Culvert pullout to Skagway. The day was a nice sunny day for travel until we hit the summit of White pass. The summit was very foggy and we could not see much at all. The downhill from White pass leading to the US Customs station from the summit was the first time I had to use 1st gear going downhill. It was very steep and long.
We stopped at Emerald Lake overlook and took some photos of the beautiful colors. There were probably about 12 tour buses their from Skagway and the cruise ships.
We arrived at the Pullen Creek Campground at about 1:30PM. Pullen Creek CG in located down near the boat harbor where the cruise ships come in. Our space is site 38 and backed up to about 25' from the sidewalk where the cruise ship passengers walk by heading to town to shop and look around. This is a great people watching site. People appear to be amazed to see and RV parked here from Colorado. Some stop and take pictures and most have to stop and discuss it. This park allows rig washing also. That was the first thing on the agenda after arriving. Naturally that drew a lot of attention from the passing cruise ship tourist. Our site 38 and several other sites will accommodate most rigs up to 38' with truck parking also. There is another paved RV area behind the park facing the harbor but the sites are close together. They also have water and electric. I think they put groups down there and maybe 40' motorhomes.
It rained most of the night and this morning. We headed out to walk around town and see the shops and take in the free Gold Rush movie at the Visitors Center. Not as many people today since there is only one cruise ship in port today. Yesterday with three ships in the town was very busy. Skagway is a neat place to visit. I like it better than Haines on the other side of the bay. We stayed there in 1997.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
31 July 2010
Yesterday we traveled from Seward to Palmer, AK. The park we stayed in was the Town and Country RV Park. It was priced right for up here in AK. It was $20 per night water/electric. Full hookups were $25. I liked it because there were no trees. Just wide open spaces, good for solar. But, it rained a lot also. They did have really good power.
Palmer/Wasilla has the largest WalMart I have ever been in. It does not look like any WalMart I have been in before either. So we left out contributions at WalMart and Fred Meyer stores as well as the Fred Meyer Gas Station.
Then on today to Glennallen, AK. The park Northern Lights has large sites and WiFi, but other things are marginal. The power is very low. We are here for the night and then onto Valdez. We have been thinking a lot about the desert southwest sunshine and not much rain.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
29 July 2010
Yesterday we did not do much. Sort of caught up on some things. Our daughter Janet did call and say she received the Halibut we shipped home to her. That is good news. Janet be sure and let us know if it is good or should we throw it away.
Today we went to get a couple of things at Safeway. Prices here in Seward are high. So we will wait until we get to Palmer tomorrow night to stock up on other items. Propane was cheap at $3.25 per gallon on 3rd street at the Penzoil lube station.
This afternoon we took a walk down to the harbor district checking out boats and Fjord tours. One of the tours was a 9 hour tour. Must be a nice tour.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
27 July 2010
We finally got some sun today off and on. I was able to get a full solar charge during the day. After 3 days of rain and clouds that is a change.
Exit Glacier must have melted before we got there. Just kidding of coarse. We walked the trail and climbed the hills for 1.2 miles to reach the glacier to find they had it roped off about 100 yards back from it because they said it was to dangerous to get near it. The claim was you could walk up to it and touch it. Several folks were probably pretty disappointed about that.
Along the way we head talk of how alarming it was at the rate of glacier recession. This got me to thinking about the deserts in Arizona that I walk all the time and find sea shells. It took a heap of evaporating to dissipate hundreds of miles of water that once covered those areas. I find sea shells all the time out in the middle of the deserts in the Southwest. They were once covered with seas. They make current day glacier recession look like a speck in the scheme of things.
Along the way up to the glacier, recession year posts are there showing recession progress from back in the earlier 1900s. It is clear to me the current day recession may be faster than back in the early 1900s because the slope of the land is more steep today causing faster ice melt. It is like tilting my solar panels on the RV roof toward the sun instead of leaving them flat on the roof. They get more sun. In the first half of the 1900s the lay of the land was much flatter where the glacier was then. But, who am I? I don't have anything to sell to make money off of in the field of global warming.
The thought process goes on with me when I think about all the areas that were once covered with glaciers in Colorado and are now completely gone and those areas have cabins and lodges. I've decided one can go insane thinking about this stuff. So here is a picture of Exit Glacier.
Monday, July 26, 2010
26 July 2010
Yikes! Another cold wet day in Seward. It rained several times last night and several times today. Tomorrow is going to be the same. Wednesday we might get a little sun and then back to rain. I think we might leave on Friday when our week is up. Haven't decided yet.
This morning when we got up we discovered a diesel fuel slick running all over our space. The guy that was next door the night before lost a lot of diesel and his truck would not start. He finally got it going then left and there was lot of diesel on the ground. Well it has been raing a lot and the diesel traveled in streams to our space. The city came out this after noon and put sown some absorbing pads. I don't know if they help or not. They said they usually let the weather take care of anything less than 20 gallons spilled.
We moved to another site to get away from the mess. We went to the dump and also got fresh water in the moving process. Then it was a tour of the visitors centers and watched a couple of 20 minute movies. Then back to the 5th wheel and more rain. Yikes! It is hard to get a good charge with solar when it rains for several days straight. The Arizona desert will help that part out.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
25 July 2010
The last two days and nights have been rain and clouds. Rain most of the time. Very wet around here. Some folks are heading back down to the lower 48 for better weather. It does test your endurance for wet RVing. It does give you a chance to catch up on reading.
I think it would be much easier if we had a propane ceramic heater we could leave on during the day as needed. They are very efficient , silent and does not use electric like the furnace. The furnace uses a lot of propane and electricity.
Tomorrow is predicted to be like the last two days. Very wet.
Friday, July 23, 2010
23 July 2010 Day 39
Seward, AK 23 July
We are signed up to stay in the Seward Water Front Park for 7 days. The park is right at the edge of the bay. Beautiful snow capped mountains surround the town and the bay. Cruise ships dock in the bay on a regular bases. Mt. Marathon is directly in front of us and a vie of the bay is out the back window. The campground has 441 sites. Tomorrow we have a lot of exploring to do.
We stayed around Centennial City Park in Soldotna through the 18th of July and received out mail at the Soldotna Post Office general delivery. It took only three days to arrive from Colorado. We fished for Sockeye Salmon several days without any success. On the evening of the 17th we caught our limit of 6 fish on the Kenai River. The next morning on the 18th before we left for Ninilchik I caught 3 more fish in 20 minutes before we left. Wow those reds are fighters. So there is about 25 lbs of salmon in the RV freezer.
The morning of the 19th we headed out to Ninilchik and the Alaskan Angler RV Resort to catch my halibut charter for the next morning of the 20th.
In the afternoon after we arrived we drove out to the the Russian Orthodox Church near Ninilchik.
I caught my charter to go out halibut fishing at about 9:30 in the morning. With the A Fish Hunt charter service. Arthur and Erin were the crew members. The charter took eight of us out about 17 miles and anchored in about 150'-175' of water. The waters were very rough and took about 45 minutes to arrive at the anchor point. The ride out was not all that bad. But, once we got anchored I can tell you without a doubt that I do not have sea legs. Everyone on the boat got their limit of two fish. One halibut was 31 lbs and the rest were around 20 lbs. After getting back in I spoke with several people and all agreed the waters were very rough and other people on other boats had problems also. My advice is to visit your doctor and get something for sea sickness before you think about going out.
On the 21st we drove down to Homer and drove out to the end of the Home Spit. The Spit had changed a lot since were there in 1997. Condos and other businesses were abundant all the way to the end of the Spit. The Eagle Lady had died in 2009. She was a fixture on the Spit for 30 years.
The 22nd of July we drove back to Soldotna from Ninilchik to the Fred Meyer's parking lot for the night. It is amazing how much shopping you can do when you stay in a parking lot. I think Fred knows that.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Day 29
It rained most of the night and all day. We mostly stayed in and rested up and caught on on a few things needing to be done. A couple of walks down to the river to check out fishing was also in order. The reds have not started to run yet.
We can see the Kenai river out the back window. The Kenai is a swift running river. The salmon run close to the shore which makes accessing them easier. The Kenai flop and twitch is the method used to catch the reds (Sockeye) since they do not bite the hook. It is a technique I will explain again. You flip a hook with some colorful yarn tied to it about 15'-20' in the water and let it drift a little ways and then give it a good yank. The line also had some lead shot weights about 3' up from the hook. The idea is to snag the fish in the mouth. If you miss the mouth and snag any other part of the fish you have to throw it back.
Most all of the fishing supplies you will need are available at Fred Meyer not far down the road. Oh, bring a small club, hip boots and maybe a net. Is is most useful to have hip boots or waders. I don't have boots. The club is to stun the fish or knock them out before you cut them up. I have been told it is best to cut the gills before sting them to bleed them out in the water. The meat will taste a lot better.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Day 28
12 July 2010
We have moved to the Centennial City Campground. The city of Soldotna runs the campground and it fills up by the evening time. There are about 166 plus site and an overflow area. We are in site 7 which is large and has good sun exposure for the solar. We have not had to use the generator at all on this trip.
I cleaned up the rig and my other half went fishing and took a hike around the campground. I told her to get supper and I would clean windows. Actually she told me to do the windows. I got the windows done and she did not bring home supper. So I had to grill.
Tomorrow I am going fishing. I need to wash the truck this evening. I'm glad it stays light most of the night.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Day 27
Soldotna & Kenai
We went fishing again this morning and still did not catch anything and no one else were catching any. The reds just are not running right now.
After lunch we went to Kenai and visited the visitor center and watched the fisherman trying to net the reds down on the beach. They were not catching anything also and this was at the mouth of the Kenai River where the Salmon come in from the Cook Inlet. Maybe this week they will come.
Then it was time to visit the Russian Orthodox Church in Kenai. The Russian Orthodox Priest was there and invited us into the church. This was my highlight of the visit to the Kenai. He was very interesting to talk with. He explained to us the reason for the slanted cross member of the Russian Orthodox cross. The icons of the church are now located in the visitors center because they are redoing the church. If you get a chance to go inside the church and talk with this man, do it he will be a highlight of your visit to Kenai.
Day 26
Fred Meyer parking lot is a busy place. The free dump attracts a lot of people from the surrounding area. You can dump and get free water. There is a Fred Meyer man that comes around and keeps track of how many days you stay here. You can stay 3 days then leave for a couple and come back if you want. I would think after 3 days here you are ready for new scenery.
We went fishing today and met up with Butch a local who fishes the Kenai River behind the Visitors Center. He taught us how to fish for Reds (Sockeye Salmon). They don't really bite. So it is like snagging in a way. No luck today.
We scoped out a couple of campgrounds and will move to one on Monday. It is a city owned park campground with access to the river. The Swift Water CG charges $16.96 per night and $10.50 to use the dump. Fred Meyer is close by and free dump and water.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Day 25
We made it to Soldotna about mid afternoon . Fred Meyers allows RV parking in the parking lot for up tp three days. We plan to move to Centennial Park here in Soldotna. They have large spaces and is close to the river for fishing. Soldotna is a very busy place. You can fish right down on the river behind the Visitors Center. The Visitors Center is very helpful and has free WiFi. Good signal in the parking log. You just have to go inside and ask for the pass word.
Day 24
8 July 2010
Anchorage Centennial Park
From Healy to Anchorage was a long drive today. We were not able to see all of Mt McKinley due to clouds. We did see the base of the mountain covered in snow.
The RV Park we are in is the Anchorage Centennial Park. They have about 88 spaces but many are not large
enough for an RV. We are in site 88. Probably the best site for us. It is large enough for a Montana.
The park has a lot of road noise. About 8:30 this evening someone took a Honda 2000 generator here in the
Park. They cut the cable and just took off with it. The owner was visiting next door 15' away.
Got to remember 8:30 in the evening here is daylight\ like mid day. The police were called but they were
busy and might get out in a couple of hours. This area of town is not the greatest.
We are out of here in the morning!
Heading to the Kenai
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Day 23
7 July 2010
Denali NP
This morning before lunch we went into Denali NP to the visitors center and took in the 20 minute film. There are a couple of visitor centers close by with different movies. After lunch we went to the dog sled demo. You should go to this so you can feel like a real tourist. Later in the afternoon we decided to take a hike for a couple of miles. Unless you take the bus tour back into the park there is not all that much to do. Since we had taken the 11 hour bus tour previously in 1997 we decided to skip that part of it. The tour Tom took early this morning and is still not back was the 11 hour tour for $42.
Day 22
Fort Nelson
From Dawson Creek we took Hwy 97 to Fort where we spent the night. Along the way at about KM marker 130 there was an unmarked dip in the road that was really bad and caused some problems in the rig. It happened so fast there was no time to slow up or react in time. The couch came apart and the chairs in the back bent the back shade. The bad dip is not far past the place the Mile Post Magazine calls the Cut and well before Pink Mountain.
The park we are in is called Triple G Hide Away formerly known as West End RV Park. It is very crowded and a poor choice of a place to stay. There is another park before you get to town but I don’t know how it is. A pullout along the road would be a better place to stay. There was even a large party going on past midnight. When we checked in they said it would be over by 8:00PM. They obviously do not care about quiet hours.
We filled up for $1.15 per Litre at the Fort Nelson Husky station. Prices in Canada are always the same at every station in each city we are in. Very pricey fuel around here.
27 June 2010
Liard River Hot Springs.
From Fort Nelson Hwy 97 took us over Steamboat Mountain and onto Liard Hot Springs. After getting set up in a campsite we all donned our swim wear and went into the hot springs. The water was about 120 degrees.
The road today was not bad. It did have several gravel patches a lot of hills and curves.
28 June 2010
Swift River Pullout
After leaving Liard River Hot Springs we stopped at Watson Lake to see the Sign Forest and try to look up our license plate we left there in 1997. We searched the almost 65,000 signs for about an hour and half but did find our plate. The lady at the visitor center told us the signs are taken down from time to time and new posts are put up. Using a photo from 1997 we did locate the signs that were around our plate.
We stopped for the evening at the Swift River pull out at 88 miles past Watson Lake. The pullout is a large graveled area on the left side right before you go up a hill. There is plenty of room and the stream runs by the pullout. We took advantage of the stream and washed up our rigs. I had brought along a 12volt pump and an electric pressure washer. Worked great using a 30 gallon plastic storage bin from WalMart to hold water from the stream.
Diesel was $1.09 per Litre in Watson Lake.
29 June 2010
Kulane Lake Pullout
When we pulled out from the Swift River Pullout this morning with clean rigs the roads were wet and there was a light rain. We ran into some gravel patches with watered down sections. Naturally we got dirty rigs again. That is the way it is when you travel to Alaska. Just expect to have dirty rigs. We stopped at the Marsh Lake rest area for lunch.
After lunch we got into Whitehorse and headed to WalMart on the North end to do some shopping. When we got to WalMart there were a lot of rigs in the lot and very crowded. We filled up at the Shell station adjoining the parking lot and headed down the street to a Super Store to do some grocery shopping.
Then it was onto Kulane Lake where we found a big pullout on the south end of the lake ad decided to spend the night there. There was a lot of dust from the road construction on the west side of the lake blowing across the lake. The dust did settle down during the night after traffic slowed down. We were not affected by the dust. This afternoon at 5:00PM the sun was at the normal 12 noon position we are used to. I found that interesting.
30 June 2010
Tok, AK
There was a light rain this morning when we pulled out of the pullout at Kulane Lake. The pullout was a good place to spend the evening and had a great view. From Kulane Lake all the way to the Alaskan border was very bad and about 45 MPH was all we could do most of the way. There was a lot of frost heaves and gravel sections. We crossed over into Alaska and the US at about 1:30PM Alaska time. I was surprised at a couple of questions the US Customs agent asked me. He asked me if I had any weapons on board and if I had more than $3000 in cash with me. They wanted out passports and vehicle registration.
We stayed at the Tundra Lodge & RV Park about a mile out of town. It was very nice and priced lower than the Tok RV Village. The sites were in the trees but very well trimmed back.
1 July 2010
Chena Lake Recreation Area
After leaving the campground in Tok this morning we filled up the main tank with diesel at the Tesoro Station. The price was $3.79 per gallon. Along with the fill up we were able to wash up the rigs at the car wash out back for free. So we took advantage of the car wash and got back on the road to Fairbanks at about 11:00AM. Alaska Hwy 2 has several gravel patches but the frost heaves are not bad.
We are spending the next four nights at the Chena Lake Recreational Area. We called the Rivers Edge RV Park in Fairbanks and they could not take us for more than two nights. This is the 4th of July weekend and everything is booked up. There are no hookups here, only a couple of water pumps in our loop. The water has a lot of iron in it. The park is a Corps of Engineers Park.
Along the way today we stopped at the Delta Meat & Sausage Company near Delta Jct. They had several different kinds of meat available with samples. I bought a pound of Yak Summer Sausage. The samples were sure good.
The next stop was the Knotty Shop. They had unique gifts and an interesting collection of burl sculptures in the front yard. The sculptures were of insects and animals made from tree burls. It is worth the stop to see the burl collection and for the free scoop of ice cream when you bring in your Mile Post Magazine with their ad. A good place to select a diamond willow walking stick to create your own walking stick with diamond eyes.
Another stop was Rika’s Road House. This was a historical park with antique displays and buildings. They have a gift shop and a restaurant.
2 July 2010
Today was a day to go to WalMart and the Fred Meyer store. Diesel at Fred Meyer’s was the best price around. It was really busy every place we went. Diesel was $3.54 with our Kroger card. WalMart had several RVs in the parking lot spending the day. There was not enough room at the Fred Meyer store to do that. The station would also be hard to get into with a rig behind if it was as busy as it was today. The 4th of July weekend is a time to be put around here.
3 July 2010
Today we all toured Fairbanks and made several stops around town including the Farmers Market. All the produce was very expensive. We didn’t buy anything.
The museum at the University of Alaska Fairbanks took most of the afternoon to tour. They have a large collection of Native art and displays. They have three different movies about Alaska running every 15 minutes.
We bought out fishing licenses at WalMart since they would take credit cards. The cost is $145 for the non-resident yearly license. If you plan to fish more than a two week period the yearly license is the best way to go. They also cover you when you go out on the boat halibut fishing.
4 July 2010
After attending church at Zion Lutheran Church in Fairbanks this morning we stopped at the Sourdough Café for lunch to celebrate Jeanne’s birthday. We all had a breakfast special. Each plate was more than each of us could eat. All the food looked excellent.
After the Sourdough Café stop Lucy and I decided to go back by WalMart and pick a couple of things up. I bought a new 8’ fishing rod. Look out salmon.
5 July 2010
It rained most all night long and it was raining when we got up this morning and our trip to the steamboat Discovery was in doubt today. At about 11:30AM we all decided to head to town and take a chance that things would clear up. Sure enough at about 12:30 when we got to the boat tour parking lot the sun came out and things were looking up. So we paid $54 each and got our tickets for the steamboat ride up the Chena river to where it met up with the Tanana River. We passed by the kennels of late Susan Butcher and visited a native village. It was a touristy thing to do but it was interesting and informative.
On the way home we stopped at U-Haul and bought propane. The price was $3.70 gallon, about average for this part of the country.
In the morning we head to Denali Park area.
6 July 2010
Healy, AK
We are in the McKinley RV Park this evening. This private park is located about 10 miles north of the park in Healy, AK. Not many choices for parks around here where you can open your slides. I was put in a site where I could not even turn into the street. To tight and overgrown pine trees. So I pulled out and was ready to leave but they gave us a nice wide open site. We let them know I would not drag my rig into any campground where the trees would drag down the side of the rig or the roof. This park need some serious attention. I got to speaking with another guy while we were doing laundry and he said Rainbow Village a little ways down the road was a better park and had wide open spaces. But, they book full about every night. We were already here so we were not moving.
Tomorrow Tom is taking the 11 hour bus ride in Denali Park. The rest of us will visit the Visitor Center and take some hikes on trails available around there.